






Dinosaur Fossils from Mifune Group Formation Fill in the Blanks of Evolution During the Mid-Cretaceous Period.

Although fragmentary, Mifune group “upper formation” has produced fossils from 6 known kind of dinosaurs: Tyrannosaurid, Ornithomimosaurid, Therizinosaurid, Dromaesaurid, Hadrosaurid and Ankylosaurid.


Mifune’s dinosaurs shared similarities with the Mongol /Central Asia’s dinosaurs and are quite different from North American one. That is why it is so important to study and understand Mifune’s dinosaurs as they will provide us clues about the crossing of the Bering land bridge by the North American and Asian, or about their adaptive radiation during the late Cretaceous.


Since the number of late Cretaceous’ fossilized dinosaurs is so small worldwide, Mifune formation’s dinosaurs drew a particular attention as filling evolution’s blank material.