






From Dinosaurs to Birds.

Birds have, as dinosaur survivor, colonized the sky.


Birds are a highly prosperous vertebrate group counting more than 9000 extent species. The late Jurassic earliest bird called Archeopteryx, known for the exceptional preservation of its fossils, has been studied in detail since its discovery in 1861. Despite all these studies, the evolutionary gap between birds and their ancestors has not been fully clarified. However, the discovery of a feathered dinosaur in the chinese province of Liaoning, considerably helped us to elucidate the process of evolution that occurred from the dinosaurs to the primitives birds.


It is thought that the closest bird's relatives among the dinosaurs are the Troodontidae and the Dromaesauridae. Feathers, which are characteristics of birds, were already developed in diverse group among dinosaurs and some dinosaurs belonging to birds closest groups had wind-cutting feathers (feathers suitable for flight) on their forelimbs and hindlimbs. Although some dinosaurs and early birds glided through the sky with their 4 wings on their limbs, some eventually developed flight method by only flapping strongly their forelimbs.