

Present continental crust


Present oceanic crust




Nowadays, Earth surface layer can be divided in 2 different areas: the lands and the seas. However, just after the birth of Earth, there were no land or sea, just a gigantic magma ocean. So how did land and sea form?


Immediately after the Earth formation, water was released from magma into the atmosphere in the form of a gas (water vapor).

As the surface gradually started to cool down, the water vapor released in the atmosphere also cooled down and condensed to rain, gradually falling on the earth's surface and forming a vast puddle of sea. It is highly possible that such sea appeared 100 million years after the birth of the Earth. When Earth underwent a small celestial bodies heavy bombing, it is more than probable that the seawater evaporated and the small sea disappeared. The evidence that a primitive ocean existed before the heavy bombing has been found within the Zircon mineral discovered in Jack Hills (west Australia). Just like the evidences of the primitive ocean was discovered, evidence of a sea forming just after the celestial bombing has been found in the Isua area's pillow lava(☞ page 2).


The formation process of the first land is not well understood yet but we know that land formed in the solid part of the Earth’s surface called continental crust. Currently the most influential theory is that when the ocean of magma cooled, a thick basaltic continental crust has been differentiated and formed the initial land. An interesting thing to note is that nowadays, on the contrary of the first formed land, continental crust is made of granite and oceanic crust is made of basalt (Fig.). In other words, nowadays continental crust (granitic) is different from the Earth earlier day's continental crust (basaltic). Although the scale is small, a few hundred million years after the birth of the Earth, land has already emerged. This affirmation is supported by the existence of the 4 billion years old Acasta gneiss (☞ page 2), a metamorphic rock created from volcanic and sedimentary rocks.