

Layered structure of stromatolite(Coming soon)


Development of stromatolite








Oxygen contained in the atmosphere is necessary for many creatures to generate energy through respiration. However, for a while after the birth of the earth, atmosphere was mainly composed of volcanic gas derived from carbon dioxide and there was hardly any oxygen. The increase of oxygen began at the end of the Archean eon when Cyanobacteria appeared.


Evidence of Cyanobacterial activity at that time can be confirmed by the study of structure called Stromatolite. A Stromatolite is a mushroom shaped rock (see pic. and fig.) composed of alternating layers of mud/sand and biofilms (microbial mats) of microorganisms (Cyanobacteria). Stromatolite produced by cyanobacterial activity began to appear at the end of the Archean eon (about 2.7 billion YA) and their number exploded during the Proterozoic eon.


Thanks to the cyanobacteria's active photosynthesis called the "great oxygenation event", oxygen on earth rapidly increased bout 2.5 billion years ago. Evidence of such event can be seen by looking at the Banded Iron Formation (BIF) formed between 2.7 and 1.9 billion years ago and the red sandstone formed after 2.2 billion years ago. Banded Iron Formation is an iron-rich deposit characterized by stripe pattern that deposed in the oceans. Red sandstone is a sedimentary rock in which the iron component of the sand oxidized and stained in red. Red sandstone deposited on land.


The oxygen increase made possible by the cyanobacteria's photosynthesis combined with dissolved iron that was originally abundant in seawater precipitated out as iron oxides, which settled on the seabed to form the Banded Iron Formation. When all the iron present into the sea precipitated out as iron oxides, the Banded Iron Formation stopped growing and let the oxygen trapped in the ocean escape into the atmosphere. Eventually, as the atmosphere became richer in oxygen, this one oxidized the iron component on land and gave birth to the red sandstone.


Incidentally, most of the iron resources used are obtained from the Banded Iron Formation formed during this period. Our civilization is build with gifts from ancient organisms.