

Snowball earth



いったん全球凍結が起きると陸はおろか海も全て凍り付いてしまい、光の届くところに液体の水はほとんど存在しない。生物は水が無ければ生きてゆけず、多くの場合光も必要である。では、生物はどこで生きながらえたのであろうか? 外部からの物質を必要としない独立した生態系が存在する海底熱水噴出孔や、火山地域の温泉であった可能性が考えられる。しかし、詳しいことはまだよく分かっていない。


At any age, Earth cooling has always been a hindering phenomenon to living organisms' prosperity. Indeed, as the cooling process progresses, ice covers the continent, and the biodiversity decreases greatly. In fact, the Earth has experienced repeatedly large-scale cooling events during its History. However, among all these entire large-scale cooling events, no one was as close as destroying Earth life than the Proterozoic glaciation phenomenon also known as the "snowball earth" hypothesis.


The term “snowball earth” refers to the hypothesis that during the Proterozoic, Earth's weather was so cold that all Earth's surface was covered in ice. Currently, the ice sheet is only limited to continental areas but what is an ice sheet? It is a mass of glacier ice formed near the top of a high mountain and that covers the surrounding terrain. It is currently covering the high latitudinal Greenland and Antarctica. But when the glaciation event occurred during the Proterozoic eon, the continental ice sheet extended from earth's geographical poles to the equator, making the whole Earth white like a snowball.


In total, 3 glaciation events occurred during the Proterozoic:

 - The Huronian glaciation (2.5 to 2.1 billion years ago),

 - the Sturtian glaciation (730 to 700 million years ago),

 - the Marinoan glaciation (665 to 635 million years ago).


Once the glaciation began, all seas and lands were frozen in the process, leaving no liquid water for the sunlight to reach. Generally, living organisms cannot survive without water and in many cases without light. Then, where did those organisms live? It is thought that life on earth may had been able to survive thanks to independent ecosystems, that do not require external substances, living near submarine hydrothermal vents and inside volcanic area's hot spring. But details are not well understood yet.


It seems that Earth recovery from the global glaciations was unexpectedly difficult. Currently Earth is warmed by the sunlight it absorbs. However when the ice covered the whole surface of the Earth during the glaciation, the ice reflected the sunlight, which led to lower and lower temperatures. Clues to this unexpectedly difficult recovery were to be found inside the Earth. Indeed, even if the surface of the Earth was frozen, the internal mantle convection was still active. The Earth's internal volcanic activity created carbon dioxide that once released in the atmosphere prompted the warming of the surface by greenhouse effect. The ice started to melt and the light began to fall down to the bottom of the ocean. It was the chance life was waiting for (☞ page 8).