



エディアカラ生物群は軟体生物であるのに、なぜ大きな体を持てたのだろうか? それは、コラーゲンを大量に生成することに成功したからである。コラーゲン(水に溶けない繊維状のタンパク質)は細胞と細胞を接着して大きな体を作ることを可能にする。コラーゲンを作るには大量の酸素を必要とするが、最後の全球凍結が終わると、それを可能にするレベルまで酸素が増えたらしい。そのチャンスをものにしたのがエディアカラ生物群である。


The living organisms that survived the 3 Proterozoic’s extinction crisis (glaciation) achieved a quantum leap.

Eukaryotes organisms appeared after the Huronian glaciation, and then creatures with large body appeared after the subsequent Sturtian and Marinoan glaciations.


The oldest multicellular organism currently found is a 570 million years old embryo discovered in the thick phosphated layers of the Doushantuo formation (China). An embryo is the early stage of development of an organism before it is born. While this stage, one cell divides into another and will repeat this process. The fossil found in the Doushantuo formation is a fossil of an organism at its initial stage of development. Unfortunately, the embryos found in the Doushantuo formation are small and are not considered as significant proof of the appearance of large multicellular organisms.


Multicellular organisms with large bodies have been found in the Ediacara Hills in Australia. Those animals called Ediacaran biota lived between 570 and 540 million years ago and had a size comprised between several centimeters to 1 meter. Ediacaran biota was mollusc-type organisms without hard parts such as bones or shells and with a very different aspect compared to modern organisms. That is the reason why, by the end of the Proterozoic, many of them would have been extinct.


Despite the fact that Ediacaran biota was soft-bodied organisms, why did they have a big body? It is because they succeeded in producing large amount of collagen. Collagen (fibrillar protein insoluble in water) is a connective tissue that connects cells together, making possible the constitution of large bodies. A large quantity of oxygen is necessary to create collagen. As oxygen was rare during the previous glaciation, living organisms had to wait until the end of the glaciation that the oxygen level increases and makes the creation of collagen possible. The Ediacaran biota took that opportunity.


At the end of the Precambrian era, the evolving Earth’s life forms had slowly evolved to acquire a large body. Unfortunately, the easily fossilizable hard tissue was still missing. This evolutive innovation will come at the beginning of the next geological era: the Paleozoic era. Let’s open a new chapter in Earth life and fossils (☞E2).