Extinction at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Boundary





At the end of the Cretaceous, creatures that had flourished until then disappeared. It is the fifth major mass extinction case (☞ Page 2). At this time, about 70% of all living species went extinct.

Among them were the dinosaurs [excluding the avian dinosaurs (☞ 3 pages)], the pterosaurs, the plesiosaurs, the mosasaurs, the ammonites and so on.


The cause of the extinction event is an asteroid of about 10km in diameter. This asteroid crashed near the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico and caused a massive explosion. It seems that the energy released at the impact was more than 10,000 times the amount of nuclear warheads owned by both USA and USSR during the cold war. The impact with this asteroid left a crater of about 200km in diameter in Chicxulub.


The collision at the impact is followed by a tremendous blast, a magnitude 10 or more gigantic earthquake and a 300m high tsunami that hit North America. Also, a large amount of dust and soot caused by large scales fires are released from the point of impact, sulfuric acid aerosols injected in the stratosphere blocked the sunlight and caused a nuclear winter. For this reasons, land-based plants and marine algae were not able to perform photosynthesis, many died, and the ecosystems that fed on them also collapsed. Although the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction is relatively well understood, it is hard to say that it has been fully elucidated. There are multiple theories concerning the cause of the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction and some of them do not imply an asteroid collision. For example, one of the theories that are persistently claimed is that the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event was caused by an intense volcanic activity. Indeed, a huge amount of flood basalt found in the Deccan plateau of India indicates us that a large volcanic activity occurred in that region at the end of the Cretaceous. Given the fact that large-scale volcanic activity played a big part in Earth worst mass extinction event at the end of the Permian, it is not odd to consider that volcanic activity also had a considerable role in the late cretaceous mass extinction event. Latest research showed that a 40km in diameter asteroid could have hit the earth at the west of Mumbai in India and possibly created the Shiva crater found there on the seabed. As it is possible that the asteroid that created the Shiva crater collided with the Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period, it is important to study quickly this new discovery furthermore.